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Pointing people to the wonder of Jesus Christ and God's Word.





We believe the Bible is made up of sixty six books consisting of two parts the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the revelation of God to men. The Bible was written by men using their own styles and personality and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures are without error in the original manuscripts and are very accurate today. The sixty six books included in the canon are the complete authority on all matters of faith and practice. The sixty six books of scripture are the complete canon and the canon is closed.





We believe there is one true God, who is holy, eternal and possesses all the attributes of deity. God exists in three co equal persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God created the heavens and earth and all living things. We believe God made mankind (male and female) in the image of God.





Jesus Christ the second person of the Trinity and is co-equal and unified with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is fully God, possessing all the attributes of God. Jesus humbled himself and became fully man having both the human and divine natures. Jesus took human form through the miraculous conception and virgin birth. Jesus came to live a sinless life and die to provide redemption from sin for mankind. Jesus died and rose from the dead, thus conquering death. Afterwards Jesus spent a short time on earth before He ascended into Heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father. He is now the mediator between God and man and intercedes for believers. Someday in the future Jesus will return in the clouds and rapture the believers and later return to earth to set up and rule His kingdom.





The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, co-equal and unified with the Father and Son. The Holy Spirit is fully God possessing the attributes of God. The Holy Spirit restrains evil and convicts men of their sin. The Holy Spirit regenerates, baptizes, justifies and seals the believer at the moment of conversion. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts and is involved in the

spiritual growth of a believer.





We believe that salvation is an act and gift from God where He brings man from his fallen sinful state and brings him into proper relationship with God. This work is accomplished through the sacrificial and substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is offered as a free gift of God and is received by faith alone and cannot be earned by any human merit. I believe that salvation is offered for all of mankind but many will not receive the gift offered and will die in their sins and spend eternity separated from God. We believe that salvation cannot be lost or undone.



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